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Mix tracks

Mixing tracks allows you to merge the contents of multiple tracks, including any changes and effects applied to the individual tracks, into a single track. This is useful for combining voiceover with background music, combining different instruments in a song, and previewing what a project sounds like before exporting it.


If the tracks that you want to mix have varying volume levels, you should normalize the audio before mixing to ensure that the overall volume is more consistent.

To mix tracks:

  1. Select the tracks that you want to mix together.

  2. Go to Tracks > Mix.

  3. Select how you want to mix the tracks:

    • To mix and replace all selected stereo tracks with mono tracks, select Mix Stereo Down to Mono.

    • To mix and replace all selected tracks with a single track, select Mix and Render.

    • To mix and preserve all selected tracks and create a new single track, select Mix and Render to New Track.


    All selected tracks get will mixed, including any muted tracks.