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Keyboard shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcuts to work more efficiently and increase your productivity.

Command Keyboard shortcut
Create a new project Ctrl + N
Open an existing project Ctrl + O
Import audio Ctrl + Shift + I
Save project Ctrl + S
Export audio Ctrl + Shift + E
Record audio in a blank project R
Record audio in the same track Shift + R
Play Spacebar
Loop on/off L
Pause P
Skip to start Home
Skip to end End
Selection tool F1
Envelope tool F2
Draw tool F3
Multi-tool F6
Mark the start of an audio selection during playback [
Mark the end of an audio selection during playback ]
Select all tracks Ctrl + A
Label audio Ctrl + B
Zoom in Ctrl + 1 or Ctrl + Page up
Zoom out Ctrl + 1 or Ctrl + Page down
Fit selection to width Ctrl + E
Fit project to width Ctrl + F
Zoom toggle Shift + T
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Split cut Ctrl + X
Paste Ctrl + V
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Delete Ctrl + K or Delete
Trim audio outside selection Ctrl + T
Split Ctrl + I
Mute track Shift + U
Solo track Shift + S