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Save and back up a project

Saving and backing up a project involve preserving your work for later use.

Save a project

Saving a project allows you to save your current progress.

Save a project in the same project file

To save a project in the same project file:

  • Go to File > Save Project > Save Project.


    Press Ctrl + S .


    This will save the project as an Audacity project file (.aup3 file), which can be opened and played only in Audacity. If you want to open and play the project using a different audio editing software app or media player, export it instead.

Save a project as a new project file

To save a project as a new project file:

  1. Go to File > Save Project > Save Project As.

  2. In the dialog box, select the folder where you want to save the project.

  3. In the File name box, enter the project name.

  4. Click Save.


    Ideally, you should have two copies of your project. Use one copy to edit and the other to keep as a master copy with unaltered audio in case you want to undo any unwanted permanent changes.

Back up a project

Backing up a project allows you to save a backup copy of your project and keep the project window open so you can continue your work.

To back up a project:

  • Go to File > Save Project > Backup Project.